Pilates Classes for Every Body

Every Body Pilates

Every Body classes are meant for…everybody! Whatever your goals—active aging, improving strength and mobility, or simply enjoying a community fitness class—we will work towards them together in a small class setting. We will follow traditional Pilates mat repertoire and I will teach at a beginner/intermediate level while giving modifications for absolute newbies and challenges for students who are at a more advanced level. There will be No Body Left Behind!

Athlete’s Body Pilates 

Refine movement patterns and fill in strength gaps to increase athletic performance. If you are a runner, biker, crossfitter, backpacker, equestrian, skier, rally car driver, triathlete, golfer, or push your body to its physical limit in other ways, let me show you how Pilates can benefit you with greater performance and longevity in your sport. Connect your breathing and core, increase core strength, and improve movement patterns - results will follow.

Working Body Pilates

This class is for those who serve our community performing physically demanding jobs: firefighters, law enforcement, hospital nurses, farmers, and the like. Class will focus on addressing movement patterns, filling in strength gaps, building core strength, improving flexibility and mobility, breathing and ahhhh… relaxation.

Don’t see what you want, when and where you want it?

How about I bring the Pilates class to you? We can do a customized one-on-one session or you can get a few friends together and I’ll create a class just for you and your group, delivered straight to your door. Actually, more likely delivered to your bonus room or garage.